CF Europe – Monkey trail campaign video

This year, CF Europe organized a major European awareness campaign about the disease cystic fibrosis. The mascot for this campaign was a monkey. This CF monkey traveled through Europe to collect stories from CF patients, doctors and policy makers. At the end of the trip, it became clear what is needed to improve the quality of life. This message was presented during the international cystic fibrosis week. Avatar Media made a video of the many messages from the CF patients all over Europe to make their story clear to the world.


The realization of a video for the international cystic fibrosis week that makes clear that a lot of steps still need to be taken to improve the quality of life of cystic fibrosis patients.


We gave the floor to CF patients all over the world by using their personal story to explain the problems they still face on a daily basis.

Agency: MojoMedia


CF Europe


campaign, reportage